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Owner-Managed Businesses


We know how it feels to pour your heart and soul into your business and how easily success can overtake the administrative processes.

If you have found yourself suddenly owning and running a business much larger than anticipated and you are worried that you may have over-looked some areas, we are well-placed to undertake a review and ensure that you are UK tax compliant historically and, more importantly, going forward.

We similarly often advise clients who are looking to exit their businesses or who wish to pass them onto the next generation.


We have 30 years of combined experience dealing with HMRC enquiries into these situations and can ensure that any transfer of value is undertaken in a transparent and tax efficient manner.

It is important to take advice prior to the disposal of your business, first and foremost because a large chunk of cash will immediately hit your estate for Inheritance Tax purposes. This means that, should you pass away shortly after, your hard-earned proceeds (and capital invested) may attract tax of 40%.

We can ensure that this does not happen and that your wealth is protected and passed onto the next generation in a controlled and tax efficient manner.